Geotechnical Investigation

Building Construction
Prior to building on/developing a particular property/site, the local Council may require a geotechnical investigation to be carried out with associated geotechnical report to support Consent application/s. For example, applications requiring geotechnical input may comprise Building, Resource and/or Subdivision Consents. We recommend you talk to your local Council to see if a geotechnical report is necessary for your particular development.
Geotechnical reports are relied upon by Architects, Structural Engineers, and Surveyors to then complete their designs, inform local Councils about any geotechnical hazards associated with sites, and how these will be avoided, remedied, or mitigated. Reports can cover minor works such as localised foundations repairs, through to large scale land use planning changes and new subdivisions
What is included?
- Desktop study and walkover inspection.
- A review of Council hazard maps.
- Geotechnical field investigations (i.e. hand augers, Scala penetrometer, CPT’s, DPSH, sDMT, boreholes, test pits, geophysical, laboratory testing on retrieved samples etc.).
- Geotechnical analysis (i.e. computer modelling of slope stability, ground settlement, liquefaction, shallow foundations, piled foundations, retaining walls).
- Geotechnical reporting summarising the above and providing development recommendations and design parameters.