09 930 9334 | 03 390 1371 info@landtech.nz

Our Services

We take great pride in delivering comprehensive and accurate ground assessment insights to help you make better decisions.



Whether you are a developer of a residential subdivision or of commercial building, an architect or a private landowner looking to build, our national team of geotechnical experts are here to help get your project off the ground.

LandTech provides a comprehensive range of geotechnical, liquefaction, hillslide and slope, and engineering geology services.

Geotechnical Investigation

Soil testing, liquefaction analysis, geotechnical site assessments, suitability reports and development recommendations. 

Geotechnical investigation is a process in which the physical qualities of a site are evaluated in order to determine if the site is suitable and safe for the proposed purpose. A geotechnical investigation is carried out to determine the geology of a site. 

Cone Penetration Testing

The cone penetration test, otherwise known as a CPT test, is an in situ test used in the investigation and analysis of geotechnical engineering problems

A cone penetration test is used to determine geotechnical properties of soils. The cone penetration test has become internationally one of the most widely used and accepted test methods for determining geotechnical soil properties. In Canterbury the data gained from a cone penetration test can be used to assess whether soil layers are likely to liquefy under different levels of earthquake shaking.

Engineering Geology

Hillslope stability analysis, engineering geologic/geomorphic mapping and hazard risk assessments. 

The application of geologic information to aid in realistic characterisation of construction sites for the design of suitable foundations, and support thereof, which can reasonably be expected to withstand all of the probable loads to which said structures might someday be dealt.

Liquefaction Assessment

Ground testing and assessment of liquefacton potential for the purpose of engineering design and technical categorisation of land. 

LandTech specialise in comprehensive liquefaction assessment and analyses that incorporate the appropriate level of field testing and modelling, detailed for each project. Field data is assessed using the latest computer modelling software that is calibrated to represent the ground conditions on a site-specific basis. 

Following the assessment process, which involves modelling the site data for the required design levels of seismicity (i.e. Serviceability Limit State and Ultimate Limit State design), we pride ourselves on providing cost effective and practical foundation solutions for our clients. During this process we are more than happy to work alongside our clients appointed Structural Engineers, Architects and/or appointed Consultants.

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